Thursday, August 22, 2013

Phineas and Ferb: Quest for Cool Stuff Game for the Wii Review

 Is you child a fan of Disney's Phineas and Ferb? Well if they are they are going to love the newest game, Phineas and Ferb: Quest for Cool Stuff! 

 There’s a whole lot of stuff to do during the last week of summer vacation and Phineas and Ferb want to do it all! Join these charismatic brothers of invention as they create, travel and explore in their quest for artifacts to fill out the Museum of Cool.  Perry the pet platypus, aka Agent P, has their backs when bumbling villain Dr. Doofenshmirtz unleashes his latest obscure “-inator” devices designed to take over the entire Tri-State area!

Key Features
  • Play as Phineas, Ferb and Perry/Agent P as you interact with characters from the show including Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Candace, Isabella, Buford and Baljeet.
  • Experience two unique play mechanics: Exploration Mode: Switch on-the-fly between ambitious innovator Phineas and silent, but stoic “Man of Action” Ferb as you explore their backyard, a lost temple, underwater caverns, and the surface of the moon! Action Mode: Transform Perry from subdued pet mode to super Agent P--jump, run, crouch, slide, hang from ledges, fight robot “inators” and sneak past traps and obstacles in Doofenshmirtz’s diabolical lab.
  • Build and play in the A.T.T. (All-Terrain Transformatron Vehicle). Upgrade the A.T.T. by assembling new parts like pincers, drills, rocket boosters and headlights that you need to access new areas. Customize the A.T.T to your preference with colors, sounds and decorative parts.
  • Unfold an intertwining multi-episode storyline as Phineas and Ferb hunt for lost treasure and travel the world while crime-fighting Agent P embarks on a secret mission to foil Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s zany schemes.
  • Defeat Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s flying Norm Bots and robot hordes including the Patroller, Jumper, Charger and other “get-rid-of-cool-stuff-inators.” Avoid Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s nasty lab traps: collapsing floors, laser beams and falling boulders!  
  • Collect silver sprockets then use them to buy spare parts for the A.T.T.
  • Swing by Phineas and Ferb’s backyard Museum of Cool to access special items and loot you’ve collected on your adventures. Ferb’s Amazing Fun Trinkets include some of the coolest artifacts the boys discover including the lost Atlantis hieroglyph, floating baby head, Meap’s Mustache, caveman’s first stone wheel, and more.

My Review:

If you have a kid you know who Phineas and Ferb are, heck even if you don’t have a kid you probably know who they are! We spent an hour on our last trip to the World waiting to meet the Dorito head (as my hubby used to call him) and Ferb. We were second in line and before we knew it that line had grown to over 50+ in no time.

We like Phineas & Ferb, not as much as our daughter who had the opportunity to play Phineas and Ferb: Quest for Cool Stuff Game  she loves this game. It’s a nice break from her playing Mario Kart over and over to unlock Rosalina (we can’t wait until she does so she stops talking about it) this game provided her something new and something challenging.

  My daughter is a huge fan of P&F as you can see... we waited for almost an hour to meet these guys!

  This game has a lot of gameplay options, she loves the fact that she can play as 8 different characters, and you can upgrade your gadgets to make them better. You can play in exploration mode or  Switch on-the-fly between ambitious innovator Phineas and silent, but stoic “Man of Action” Ferb as you explore their backyard, a lost temple, underwater caverns, and the surface of the moon! You can also play in Action Mode: Transform Perry from subdued pet mode to super-Agent  P--jump, run, crouch, slide, hang from ledges, fight robot “inators” and sneak past traps and obstacles in Doofenshmirtz’s diabolical lab. 
This makes the replay value of this game high because you have so many things you can do that you’ll need to play through it several times to be able to see everything. That’s key in a video game, replay value is very important you don’t want to spend a lot of money on a game you can beat in a matter of a few hours and be done. 

Challenges are good; it gives you bang for your buck. If you like P & F don’t hesitate to pick this game up; it was based on the movie that came out last month and is a pretty good depiction of the movie it has some slight tweaks but is pretty much spot on and is available on all gaming consoles. So if you are looking for a fun kids game this is it, and with P&F being so hot right now, this is a game the kids will be sure to love. 

Buy it:

You can buy this cool new game on Amazon for $29.95


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received a game to review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising . 

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