Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Let’s Talk About a Clean Routine a Cottonelle Clean Routine #LetsTalkBums #ad

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 This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Cottonelle.

This can be a touchy topic what do you do after number two? I know, I know, it's something most people like to keep to themselves and just leave it at that. It's taboo to talk about it but I'm here to tell you it's okay to discuss it and to help each other by sharing ideas to help clean your bum. Cottonelle Toilet Paper and Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloths are designed to work together for a clean you can feel. Cottonelle is partnering with Cherry Healey to get people to talk about the way they wipe.

  We all know that toilet paper is good to a point but it's just not good enough on its own. But what if you tag team your tush with toilet paper and something like a moist wipe? There is a reason why those little moist towelette's are on tables at a lot of restaurants and that's because dry paper goods are only good to a point moisture is the key to getting that level of clean we all like. And when you're talking about the keester we all want that to be clean the cleaner the better! Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloths are now available in a sleek, newly designed, upright dispenser – making it easier for everyone to enjoy the clean and fresh feeling of the Cottonelle Care Routine. Experiencing is believing. Incorporating cleansing cloths into your bathroom routine may feel weird at first but ultimately, it’s a clean and fresh feeling that leaves you ready for anything.

We all have to go number two and while it might be an odd subject to talk about and a little embarrassing for some to talk about it I say poo! If you have a great way to clean your bum or some really useful tips by all means share them don't keep them to yourself.  Change is a good thing sometimes and while I realize that toilet paper has been the traditional way of cleaning for ages it's just not sufficient enough to really clean you up. What I love about moist wipes is that they're portable and they make your tushy feel clean and refreshed and that's super important.
We've made sure to instill into our daughter to use wipes to clean up after using the potty. Why? To make sure she's totally clean and refreshed. Who wants to feel uncomfortable and possibly stink? No matter how good you wipe with paper you might not get it all and well you'll be itchy and walking a little funny until you get back to a bathroom.   Nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the Cottonelle Care Routine. Join the conversation on Facebook and try the Cottonelle Care Routine for yourself.  Visit the Cottonelle Facebook page and let’s talk about your bum.

Cottonelle wants to get you talking about your bum and on a better way to clean “down there” by using the Cottonelle Clean Routine. By combining the use of Cottonelle Toilet Paper and Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloths, the Cottonelle Clean Routine is a revolutionary way to keep your bum cleaner.
Are you ready? Don’t be shy! Visit to learn more about the Cottonelle Clean Routine and join the clean routine conversation.

 Visit the Cottonelle on Facebook and check it out.
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Cottonelle.


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Pam said...

Those wipes are fantastic to take with us when traveling. I keep a package in the car at all times.

Kristyn said...

we use wipes in our home and this would be so much better to have in the bathroom then the wipe packages!

Erica said...

I am reviewing this product tomorrow on my blog! Your review was written so cute! We loved the product as you did.

We Three Crabs

tm said...

These wipes sound really handy, especially since I have an active/energetic 3 year old!

Mariah @ said...

My husband loves the wipes and now that I'm in my third trimester of this pregnancy I have discovered a love as well!

Unknown said...

I'm a long time user of the flushable wipes. I even take them with me when I travel. It is just so much nicer to use them. I"m way excited about the new wipe dispenser. I ran out and got one last week. I'm in love.

Nicole B said...

I love Cottonelle toilet paper and wipes. They are my family's favorite. My kids refuse to go #2 without them. LOL

tm said...

These wipes are really great for us. My little preschooler has his moments and good wipes like this would be nice to always keep on hand.

Jeannette said...

I love the new wipes and dispensers! They are great for the kids in the bathroom!

Amber said...

I love love love the new packaging! I can't wait to try them only makes sense to use moist wipes.

Liz Mays said...

It's kind of a relief knowing it's fully cleaned with these! I just started using them!

Unknown said...

We have some of those, too! Totally handy to keep on hand for those messy days. ;)

Victoria said...

I have been hearing so much about these wipes on the web.

Unknown said...

Yes this is one very useful information you have shared:-)

Unknown said...

We use diaper wipes on the kids but never think to use them on ourselves.
How crazy is that!
I have been looking at the store but they are SOLD out of the wipes so someone obviously loves them!
They need to learn to SHARE

Ronnie said...

So many poopoo articles in blogs as of late! haha I have a pack of these in my bathroom as well. Freshness FTW.

Ronnie said...

Did my post upload?? :/

Unknown said...

We love cottenelle

Danielle said...

One can never have enough wipes on hand, with little ones in the house!

Marina@EBMR said...

Wipes all the way, Definitely a cleaner solution to dry tissue :)

A Mom's Take said...

I agree, it's totally okay to talk about and help each other out! Thanks for starting the conversation.

Andrea Hatfield said...

My sons both still use the Cottonelle wipes because they prefer them over toilet tissue. I love them too for times when you need a bit more than toilet tissue to get the job done.

Robyn said...

Cottonelle sent me a whole package of those samples and they are amazing!

Jai M. said...

It can feel a little weird to talk about but it's part of life. I love when we have wipes like this around.

BrettBMartin said...

i love these wipes. and the container. i'm decoupaging mine.

i don't know why we ever STOPPED using wipes. i mean, we clean baby bums and toddler bums with them, why stop? its not like we poo less or aren't as...well, affected on the skin by the poo. we need to be clean too

Raka said...

Cotonelle is fun, I love the brand, btw.

Malia said...

I want to get the flushable cleansing cloths for my daughter who's potty training.

Kyle said...

I find the wipes are just simply the most thorough way to keep myself and my 4 year old clean. Great review!

Liz Mays said...

I had to go buy another one for the other bathroom yesterday. These are awesome!

Unknown said...

I am going to purchase one of these finally.

Mariana said...

Those wipes are the best! (I'm a Cottonelle ambassador, too!) :)

Debi@The Spring Mount 6 Pack said...

We love these wipes. They come in very handy

James, Davis, and Associates Test said...

I like the fact that people are talking about being clean all over. Wipes are an awesome way to stay clean and neat.

Mommy 2 J.A.M. said...

We use the wipes at our house as well. Love their products, because they keep the little bums clean!!!

The AnnMarie John said...

Didn't even realize that they made wipes as well. I haven't use the brand in a while but will try out those wipes. I love using wipes.

Joanne said...

Flushable wipes are great - I usually take a pack when we're travelling.

Smarty Pants Mama said...

Flushable wipes are a must in this house!

Anonymous said...

We LOVE Cottonelle in our home. The flushable wipes are the best!!

Trendy Cyndie said...

I love Cottonelle and their wipes!

Stefani @ said...

I LOVE these wipes. I stopped buying baby wipes after my son was potty trained but missed having wipes for quick cleanups like dirty faces. I keep one of these wipe containers in my kitchen.

Unknown said...

We use both in our house...

Healy Harpster said...

We used wipes as we do have little kids. Plus, we only use Cottonelle!

Paula Nicolas said...

Quite a lot of nice reviews about Cottonelle! Gotta have theses wipes :-)

Have Kids Will Coupon said...

Loving their new dispenser!

brett said...

we're wet wipes users as well- nothing worse than a dirty tush i say!

gfdes said...

There is nothing wrong with having one of these dispensers in your bathroom. They are needed once in awhile. :)

Courtney Pies said...

Cottonelle is definitely one of my top favorite toilet paper brands!

Ave said...

I really like Cottonelle products. Hope these wipes come in sale in Spain too. We are using baby wipes if needed, but those arent flushable.

Cindi S World said...

We just got one of these a couple weeks ago, and I love it! Between our family, my home childcare kiddos and my grandkids who are around a lot, these are quickly becoming one of my favorite products!

Rhonda :) said...

This is our favorite brand. Love the new dispenser! :)

Unknown said...

I love the wipes for my baby girl.. and the dispenser makes it so much easier and discreet.

CrazyMom said...

We love the new wipes in the stylish container, too and they are soo handy for home or on the go... Cottonelle totally changed how we "clean".. thanks for sharing glad you guys like it, too

Sophie said...

I am a huge fan of the clean routine since I grew up with a bidet and the idea of just using toilet paper never sat well with me. So glad the rest of the bums in the world are going to be getting a cleaning too!

Anonymous said...

I HAVE TO get one of these dispensers!

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