Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Boogie Wipes, saline nose wipes that your kids will love!

I love getting boxes in the mail, sometimes at my house it may seem like Christmas morning, and at times it looks like I have a part time job at the post office (we do get quite a few boxes) but I love my job, and love the mail. Sometimes I get a surprise box in the mail, and we got a surprise last week in the mail. A cute box tied with a lovely blue bow, and filled with great new Boogie Wipes products.  I had forgotten that I had signed up to be a Boogie Wipes ambassador Blogger, and I did not even know that I was selected, so surprise I was selected.  I love surprises, and this was a nice surprise!

Here is a little more information about  Boogie Wipes, from the website:
We are entrepreneur Moms at heart, always looking for new ways to help support our families while staying involved and present in our kids daily lives. It was that desire that led us to the idea of a Boogie Wipe. We invented Boogie Wipes in 2007 as a solution to our kids’ runny, red noses. After trying to use saline spray, bulb syringes and regular dry tissue, we became certain there had to be a better way to soothe our kids stuffy noses. 

Months of market research resulted in an answer as plain as the nose on our face – a saline-infused moist wipe that comforts chapped, sore noses while dissolving mucus. After an extensive development and manufacturing process, and keeping our noses to the grindstone, we shipped our first order of Boogie Wipes in December, 2007. Since then, Boogie Wipes has found the smell of sweet success selling in 30,000 retail stores nationwide. We are thrilled our innovative idea helps parents and kids boogie through colds and allergies without missing a beat!
How are Boogie Wipes different than a regular baby wipe? (from the website)
-Made with Natural Saline to Dissolve Mucus
-Alcohol Free
-Moisturize with Vitamin E, Aloe and Chamomile
-Fun Scents Kids Love
-Gentle Enough for All Ages
-Phthalate & Paraben Free

My Review:

We received this great kit that included, a cute Boogie Wipes tee shirt in a great bright orange color. A DVD of the new movie Epic, a movie my daughter loves. We were able to see this forest fantasy movie in the theater, and my daughter enjoyed all of the little creatures and the amazing drawings and colorings. Included in the box was a pack of Boogie Wipes.

We have been a fan of Boogie Wipes for a few years now.   My daughter’s school requires us to make sure she has her own tissue’s to use what does she use? Not tissues that’s for sure, she uses Boogie Wipes. Boogie Wipes are far more superior to a tissue. Boogie Wipes are made with natural saline that will dissolve boogers and what kid isn’t loaded with boogers?  

A regular tissue will over the course of use dry out your nose and make it irritating to keep blowing it, the saline solution on the Boogie Wipes is a nice way to keep your nose moist. And the smell (we have the grape scent) will cause your kid to want to blow their nose instead of picking it or wiping it on their sleeve. We keep a pack in our car and one in our living room; we’ve all started using them and in a pinch we use them as wipes to clean up hands and faces as well. Kids are still going to do gross things, but if we can eliminate nose picking and wiping snot on sleeves we will be doing everyone a service and thanks to Boogie Wipes nose picking is now a thing of the past.

We were also able to check out a new product (well new to us) Boogie Mist, a mist that is a soothing relief of dry, stuffy noses. This mist was easy to use, the nozzle was smaller for use in smaller kids noses. I was surprised that my daughter did not have any issues letting me use this product on her. She usually gives me trouble with things like this.

So if you are looking for a great new way to wipe your nose, a new way that will be more gentle to your little ones nose. Boogie Wipes is the way to go. You will love the soft wipe, that had great scents including, Fresh Scent, and Grape. Your little one will love these wipes so much more than harsh tissues. The nasal spray has a  unique delivery system and scent ring of the Boogie Mist dispenser makes the process of delivering a gentle, mist to your child's nose much easier. This spray is a soothing relief of dry, stuffy noses.

Buy it:

Boogie Wipes are available in 30 count packs for $3.99 and the Boogie Nasal Spray is available for $4.99.  for more information make sure to visit Boogie Wipes

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Unknown said...

I love getting things free.

Unknown said...

That is nice! I need to get stuff like this in the mail instead of just bills and paper SPAM! :-P

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