Tuesday, August 27, 2013

American Girl’s Bitty Baby available today!

There are dolls and then there are dolls that are more heirloom dolls, a doll that you’d want to not only play with but make sure you keep and hand it down to generations that follow. AmericanGirl dolls  aren’t just your typical dolls, they’re so much more. When I was a little girl I remember looking through American Girl magazines. I was so fascinated with the little girls with the great stories and lives you could peek into with these dolls.

 From the great clothing to the amazing accessories. I always loved checking into the back of the book to look at the Bitty Baby’s they were always adorable. I so wanted a Bitty Baby of my own, a baby that would look like me, a baby I could care for and love. Back then, the selection of Bitty babies were not as vast as the selection is now. 
Now there are 11 options with lots of combinations of light and dark skin and eyes. Having such a great selection would make it easier to get a baby that looks just like your little one.  With the new Bitty babies you can pick skin tone, eye color, and hair color to truly customize your child’s Bitty Baby experience.

The new Bitty Baby collection will include 5 hardcover books: Bitty Baby and Me, Bitty Baby at the Ballet, Bitty Baby Loves the Show, Bitty Baby the Brave, and Princess Bitty Baby.  The books are written by Pacific Northwest author and Newberry Awardee, Kirby Larson, and illustrated by award winning illustrator Sue Cornelison.  

In addition to great story that little girls will love, each book will include a parents’ section this section will help break down the lessons of the book. What a wonderful idea!

My daughter loved sharing this book with her American Girl doll Saige, and she loved sharing the story with her little cousin. He cousin Mary is 3.5 years old and she was fascinated with the cute little story. She wanted my daughter to read it to her again and again.  The book had a great story and wonderful illustrations.

The Bitty Baby dolls can be bought in  several different ways. You can purchase the Doll & Book for $55.00  The Doll, and Book and Accessories for $125.00.  Or you could purchase the book alone for $14.98. I know what will be on my daughters Christmas gift list this year, I am sure a Bitty Baby and some accessories to take care of this special doll will be on the wish list this year.

Check out Bitty Baby Online

Visit Bitty Parents to find more to explore in the world of Bitty Baby. You can find enhanced e-books, a downloadable app, activities, online games, and puzzles inspired by the Bitty Baby books. The site also has a “For Parents” section for encouragement and love in your journey of raising a daughter to be her best.

Check out the In-Store Events celebrating Bitty Baby

Bitty Baby’s Story Time- This event is FREE and features a reading of the all new picture book Bitty Baby & Me!

Bitty Baby and Me- The event is inspired by the new book and includes fun activities and a tasty treat! Reserve your spot today!

*events are for girls ages 3 and up

Sweet Moments with Bitty Baby Video Contest

Starting August 27th parents can record an original video (up to 60 seconds) showing their little girl’s sweetest moments with her Bitty Baby. The submit the video on Bitty Parents for a chance to win one of two grand prizes worth $1200 each. Videos must be received by October 20th 2013.  This is a great contest, that would be great to win, the grand prizes are amazing! 

Buy it:

If you would like to learn more about Bitty baby and the Bitty baby book line, check out what is available for purchase visit American Girl.

For more information make sure to “like” American Girl on Facebook

Do you have a little girl who would like these great new dolls and books?

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received a book to review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Liz Mays said...

I'm glad there are so many options for how they look, and I LOVE that they have the book collection to go along with it too. The Bitty babies are seriously cute, and dare I say cuter than their older sisters?

Jennifer S. said...

These dolls are really a hit, huh? I know so many little girls that just flip over them! That's great they have a baby now!

Angela said...

This doll has the sweetest face. I am such a fan of American Girl dolls and books!

Pam said...

My daughter had several of the books and dolls when she was younger. I have wrapped them up to save for any future grandchildren. :)

Anonymous said...

My girls love getting their American Girl catalog in the mail.

Debi@The Spring Mount 6 Pack said...

My girls love AG dolls. I bet they would love the books.

A Mom's Take said...

Love the bitty baby line!! They are so darling!

Anonymous said...

Oooh I didn't know about these! I was thinking that the American Girl Dolls would not be such a great fit for my 4 year old... maybe in a few years. But these would be perfect!

CrazyMom said...

Ohhh my daughter would be in heaven, she has been talking about these babies and the books for weeks now.. I see a Christmas wish list in my near future... thanks for sharing, too cure

tm said...

Awe, this is adorable. I love how much work they put into designing these dolls.

Jai M. said...

Very cute. I have a new cousin as of this this year and I'm sure she and her parents would love it.

Kristyn said...

to cute! i have to get this for my daughter she would love it!

Stefani @ MommyEnterprises.com said...

These dolls are so cute. I think my youngest daughter might be a little old for these but my two nieces are not!

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