Thursday, August 22, 2013

#5 Star Wars Weekends Disney World Solo trip Parade fun #Starwarsweekend #Disney #Travel

A little after 7 they started handing out wristbands for the merchandise tent and for those who showed up for autographs and before we knew it they were letting us in the merchandise line in to spend stupid amounts of money. I looked at my wristband and saw that I was 48th in line....48th and I got there at 3 am! We were led off stage to get the Darth's Maul which is a huge tent located behind the Tower of Terror and the only way in that early was with this wristband.
 If you could see the lines to get into the Maul later in the day you'd be able to see why I was up that early, I'd rather do my waiting when it's dark and cool rather than sunny and brutally hot. It takes a certain kind of nut to get up that early to spend money and I'm that kinda nut. I bought my things and I was off to enjoy the rest of my day at the Studios. My main goal for Friday was to get my merchandise and to get a great spot for the parade once I got my merchandise I was off for my spot for the parade. 

I was in the Maul for close to 3 hours, the lines for paying for your stuff were long and slow moving and when I got out of the tent I realized I had just enough time to buy a soda and claim my spot. Again my folding chair came in handy, I had a little over an hour to wait for the parade and I had a nice spot to sit and relax and chat with the people around me. I did have a few issues with late comers just trying to wedge themselves in a minute before the parade started, I paid my dues sitting in the sun to claim my spot and you want to put in no effort and take my space? Yeah, right. We missed the parade last year because Disney threw us a curve ball and changed the route and we didn't know until it was too late, we had staked out a great spot just to realize it was moot since the parade wouldn't be passing us.
 I was hell bent on making sure I was getting great pictures this year and I was very happy with my spot and the pictures I was able to snap. The parade is led off by Disney characters in their Star Wars garb Jedi Mickey, Princess Leia Minnie, Darth Goofy and Stormtrooper Donald are followed by the 501st and they're followed by the celebrities and the Star Wars characters you can meet in the park. This year the celebrity hosts were Ashley Eckstein (she's the voice of Ahsoka on the Clone Wars) and James Arnold Taylor (voice of Obi-Wan on the Clone Wars) the other Star Wars celebs were Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett), Ray Park (Darth Maul) and Dee Bradley Baker (he voices the clones in the Clone Wars). Once the parade ended I was off to ride Star Tours before lunch.  

More to come! Stay tuned!

Susan S. Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use  


Anonymous said...

Wow this looks like a great parade what fun. I can't believe how great the make up is on these people a little scary too.

tat2gurlzrock said...

I bet that was alot of fun.I love the costumes!

Unknown said...

This looks that everyone is have a great time. Happy faces and "Make-Up faces = Fun.

mnleona said...

I love parades and the costumes were something else.

Unknown said...

my son would be so mad if he found out about this....we live about six hours from orlando, and try to go to disney once a year....beautiful pictures!

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