Friday, July 26, 2013

Disney Teen Beach Movie out in stores on 7/30/13 #Review

With all of the hot weather here in the northeast we are really in the mood to go to the beach, since we live less than an hour drive from the shore visiting the beach is something we love to do as much as we can. But as a working mom I can’t get away as much as I would like to, so this week we visited the beach via, Disney’s Teen Beach Movie!
School's out, surf's up and Disney Channel is taking a dip into the teen beach party movie genre with "Teen Beach Movie," a modern "no more complications, just good vibrations," break into song and dance comedy in which surfer girl McKenzie and her boyfriend Brady literally go into a classic surf movie musical where it's bikers versus surfers -- and they're in for trouble if they don't back down. While they hatch a plan to get back home to present day, the duo try to blend in as everyone around them spontaneously breaks into song and dance. But when they interfere with the plot of the movie, their fate may be changed forever.
The movie begins on the last day of summer, and McKenzie's surf and sand life is about to be upturned when she departs for boarding school to fulfill her family's dream to graduate from the elite institution. But when she and Brady find themselves literally transported into his favorite classic beach musical, set in the 1960s, about a rivalry between the surfers and bikers and a star-crossed teenage boy who likes a girl, he is ecstatic for endless summer while she is eager to get back home to keep her promise to her family about her schooling. 

While they hatch a plan to get back to present day, the duo try to blend in and understand 1960s teenagers, but it's not so easy when everyone around them spontaneously breaks into song and dance. And when they accidentally interfere with the plot of the movie and the lead characters, surf guy Tanner and biker girl Lela, fall for them, instead of each other, Brady and McKenzie fear their fate may be changed forever.

Our Take:
We were really excited to see this movie, while in Disneyland last month, our hotel The Disneyland Hotel, was celebrating the tv premiere of Teen Beach Movie, they had special Teen Beach games at the pool, and gave out cool masks too.  Downtown Disney had guest appearances by some stars of the show too, it was just a fun event.  So when I told my daughter we would be able to check out The Teen Beach Movie on dvd, she was so excited! My family and I had a movie night, we turned off our phones, popped some pop corn and just hung out together as a family and watched this cool new movie.  I have always been a fan of beach movies. 
They are just so much fun, and they being me back to the days when I was a teen and they would have big dance parties on the beach. I would vacation in Ocean City, and each year Dance Party USA would film on the beach, I remember wanted to join in on the fun and dance with all of the kids, I was a little too young at the time, but I loved the idea of a beach party. For the local folks, you may remember that late 80’s dance show.
 All beach party movies were always fun to watch, for me there was nothing that said summer more than watching a great Annette and Frankie movie. So when I heard that Disney was going to come out with a new teen beach movie, I knew my daughter would love it!  I knew this new movie would be full of great music numbers and we would love to sing along. “Teen Beach Movie” as the perfect movie that the whole family can watch together for family movie night. We loved the movie, it was a light movie, with a fun theming that was entertaining. 

 Of course my daughter loved singing and dancing along with the great songs. The extras are great we loved seeing the rehearsal scenes, they were fun. Overall we loved the movie, and I am sure your family will love it too.
Buy it:
You can purchase this movie at local stores where Disney DVDs are sold on 7/30/13.

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received this movie for review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Unknown said...

This sounds like a pretty good movie! I bet my husbands niece would love it! She is real into movies with singing and dancing and of course, cute boys!

Mudpiesandtiaras said...

sounds like acute movie for some kids! Glad you liked it!

Angela said...

This looks like a DVD the kids would enjoy and so perfect for summer.

Utokia Langley said...

I love these movie options - clean for our kids to watch! Inspiring!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I've heard this is super cute...and the glasses? Awesome.

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