not, just a prop master bringing stuff.
He actually designs in all the “Iron Man” Marvel films many of the
iconic props that you see in the movies.
Russell Bobbitt: A lot of you will know the R.T. as the Arc
Reactor. If you have kids they all call
it the Arc Reactor because in the toy stores it’s called the Arc Reactor. It’s the light that’s on his chest, in the (Iron
Man) suits and both on his chest. Since
“Iron Man 1” we made all those, to fit.
And his (Robert Downey JR) body has changed over the years as many of
ours do. So we take a cast of his chest
and we mold the piece right to his chest. 

every scene we glue the thing onto his chest with special effects makeup
glue. So he has to shave his little
chest area right there so it stays on.
And then by remote control I turn on and off the light, for each
take. It runs on a little, cell phone
battery. And there’s ten minutes of life
to that -- that light that you’re seeing.
He certainly doesn’t appreciate it being torn off his chest to change
the change battery a whole lot.
what I do is I have it on a remote control.
And we turn it on and off. And
it’s an accumulative ten minutes. So ten
minutes like a football game can last up through lunch time, uh, as long as I'm
turning it on and off. So it’s pretty
cool. It’s evolved over the years. “Iron Man 1” we couldn’t get the transmitter
small enough to put the remotes in the -- and so I would have to come up to him
with a little bobby pin and stick it a little -- and turn on its switch on and
off between takes.
you watch “Iron Man 1” it had very emotional scenes. You know, you sometimes you had to well up, you know what I
mean? And the prop guy’s over there at
his chest going, “Oh, wait. It didn’t
turn on.” So, then “Iron Man 2”
the stuff got smaller. “Iron Man 3” we
have the remote controls. Turned it on
and off. So it’s a cool piece that
you’ll see in the film. And for each film we've changed the design, and the inside of it.
are the kinda things I do. Everything
that the actor has to interact with is my responsibility. Anything they touch, is mine including
eyeglasses and watches.
Russell has such a cool job, that lets his
imagination run wild! He really loves what he does and it shows. I want to thank
Russell for taking the time out of his busy day to speak with us and share some
of the backstage magic with us.
It's amazing how the movie draws you in so much that as an audience we never consider these things.
You think you understand all the behind-the-scenes details that go into an action film like this one, but my thoughts weren't even close to how much work is done! Great article!
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