Have you ever had the chance to interview an Oscar winner, and People Magazines current most beautiful woman? Well I have been blessed to be able to say yes I have, and it was wonderful. So with a huge star like Gwyneth Paltrow I did not know what to expect during this interview. We were all a little nervous, how would she really be in person? Well I have to say she was a sweetest and genuine person.
She was real, and
acted like a mom just like us. It was such a relaxed atmosphere. Instantly as
soon as she arrived and started chatting with us, the butterflies in my stomach
disappeared, it was like talking with a friend. Gwyneth was ready for questions
about her role in this great film. Here is the conversation my fellow bloggers and I
had with this great lady.
Here are some of my favorite questions from the interview. First up is a bit of a spoiler of sorts... So if you want to be surprised just skip the next couple of questions....
Question: Tell us about putting on the Iron Man suit.
Gwyneth Paltrow: I love putting on the suit. It was really weird, I've never done
anything like that in my whole career, and my son was on set, and so I’ll never
forget it; I walk out onto the set, and I was fully dressed in the suit, I’ll never forget his
face. He was in shock and
awe. It was so cool.
Question: Mommy cool?
Question: Mommy cool?
Gwyneth Paltrow: Oh my God, yes. And by the way, I now have, like, a Lego in
the set- there’s a Pepper, so I am, like, I am a goddess. So fun.
Question: How does it feel, as Pepper, to be that strong?
Question: How does it feel, as Pepper, to be that strong?
Gwyneth Paltrow: I loved it so much. You know, I was getting kind of like, come
on, guys. Pepper, like, let’s- come on,
like, all these boys are flying around doing all this fun stuff, and I loved,
yeah, I loved, you know, how patient and kind and sweet Pepper is, but, but
when I read this script, I was like, oh yeah.
Like, she’s, you know, in the suit and flying around, and I loved doing
the stunts... It was really fun.
Gwyneth Paltrow: The things that I remember from set are, my kids learning, like how to drive
a golf cart. (or having) Nerf gun fights and (the kids) love
Robert. They, they had no idea that
Robert was, famous until probably a year ago. They just love him so much and he
creates a fun environment, - it was nice. It was a really, it was a nice shoot, you
know, and when you, when you work with someone over and over again that you
really love and, like, that environment is so familial and the kids feel-
everybody feels it, it really was so great.

Question: Are we gonna see you in more action films?
Gwyneth Paltrow : I would actually really like to, but really,
am I old now to start, you know, being in action movies, I would like to. Everybody’s
sort of been very sweet about Pepper in this movie, like all the journalists
who came in. They were like, oh my God,
you have to have your own movie, because in the comics, Pepper gets her own
suit, and she becomes a character called Rescue. They’re like, we need a Rescue movie,
and I’m like, okay, well, I’d better hit the gym.
Question: What color would you choose for your suit?
Gwyneth Paltrow: Gray, like, silver and white. My favorite colors.
Question: What color would you choose for your suit?
Gwyneth Paltrow: Gray, like, silver and white. My favorite colors.
Question : What’s it like working with Robert?
Gwyneth Paltrow : It’s so fun. He’s, the most spontaneous, mad genius, improvising, you’re really on your toes.
She spoke about seeing the movie for the first time, Marvel set up a screening room in London where Gwyneth and her family and friends could watch the film, she loved the intimate set up and of course loved the movie. I loved the way she told us how her son felt when he saw her in the Iron Man suit, I am sure my daughter would have felt the same way... She would have thought I was the coolest mom in the world (well even cooler than I am now :). 
Check out the group picture above, I am to the far right, having a blast!
So what was it like getting to spend some time with an Oscar Winner? It was a wonderful
experience that I will never forget. And yes she is just as pretty in person. I will have some more of this interview to share with you all next week, Gwyneth Paltrow will tell us about her new cook book I'ts all Good, and I will be sharing a step by step recipe that I make with you all, so stay tuned!
What do you think of the interview? Is there anything you would have asked her about her role in Iron Man 3?
*Pictures Courtesy of Dear Crissy*
IRON MAN 3 releases in theaters on May 3rd!
**** Disclosure*** This trip was provided by Disney. I
received an all expense paid trip to LA, courtesy of Disney and Marvel.
My opinions are 100% my own and have not been influenced in any way.

Susan S. Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
Thanks for sharing. That was a fantastic interview! Love Gwyneth :)
That is super cool!
I heart Gwyneth.
How fun! What an awesome experience.
Gwyneth Paltrow was so nice and friendly, this is something that I will be telling my grandkids about!
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