Question: How long did it take to make the Iron Man suit?
Chris Swift: It took us about three months to work out
the first prototype. But that one (suit)
had legs to it. So after the first movie,
because Iron Man’s supposed to stand about six foot -- six foot four to six
foot six depending on who you ask. Because
they wanted it (the suit) that tall,
Robert doesn’t quite fit the bill. His
-- he’s is, uh, just about my height. So
he’s about -- he’s about ten inches too short.
So we can’t really stick Robert in a full suit with those legs. Because
his feet end up right about where the ankle is.
Right about at mid-shin or something like that. So we had stunt guys that were tall enough to
fit into that suit that would utilize the legs.
But after that it didn't make much sense. They wanted to basically just make them all
(the suits) around Robert. And then they
would digitize the legs from waist down.
So that’s the way that that works.
They make suits that go from the waist up complete. And then everything from the waist down they
stretch the legs digitally and just add those in. 
Question: When
did you start doing that?
Chris Swift: On
the second movie was when that was implemented.
So the first movie was the only movie that actually had full practical
suits all the way down to the to the feet.
Chris Swift: Sure.
Well what I'll say to that is every time we’ve done the suits we make
them better. We figure out a problem, then we see what the problem was on that
one. That first one (suit) was a
nightmare. And it was really heavy and
it was hard to get into. And it killed
the actor, and the stunt guys trying to get into it. If we had to make it again today we could
make it and we could make it a lot better and a lot easier and a lot simpler
and a lot faster to get into. It just
made more sense just make them all Robert’s size ‘cause we know he’s gotta be
in it. And then the rest of them we’ll
just digitally add that in. And that
just seemed to be a better way of doing it.
That way they weren't paying a lot of extra money for different sized

Question: And in
the new movie, how long does it take you guys to make them?
Chris Swift: it’s hard to answer that is because every
time they do an Iron Man suit, they redesign it. And the wonderful designers here at Marvel, have
been designing the suits from the very beginning. They do the most awesome job of designing
things. But they’re designers, not practical
builders. And the practicality to building a suit to make it work and
functional that necessarily isn’t taken in consideration if you don’t
understand what that’s all about and you don’t do it, uh, when you’re designing
something. So then we have to take the
design that’s given to us that looks so great and go, ooh, wow, and how do we
make this move? You've got bars going
right across where something would move.
So now we've gotta re engineer this and re figure it out how to make --
how to maintain that look and still make it practical to where somebody can
wear it and move around in it.
Question: So does
Gwyneth actually put on her own Iron Man suit?
Chris Swift: No,
she put on Robert’s suit. Believe it or
not, Gwyneth fit the suit really well because Gwyneth’s actually quite
tall. And she’s really super built and
strong. I was really surprised that it
fit on her. And funny -- funny story
with that is that everyone bet me that I was not gonna get Gwyneth in the suit
because, you know, just the fact that it’s a big iron lung kinda suit. I was
determined ‘cause everyone -- every fan wanted to see Gwyneth in the suit. I'm determined
to get her in the suit. And, went and
talked to her about it. And she was so
cool. She was really cool about the
whole thing. Let’s see… Once she got in it, she had a ball. I
couldn’t get her out of it. She was
running around and fighting with her kids.
And she didn’t want to come out.
It was funny she was the belle of the ball in the suit. So it’s wonderful. It was a fun moment.
I loved the backstage information about how the suit came to be. The story about how Gwyneth Paltrow played with her kids in the suit, that was adorable! I know I would love to try out the suit, and run around with my daughter. I hope you enjoy reading this interview, as much as we enjoyed asking these questions. I want to thank Chris Swift for taking the time out of his busy day to talk with us, such a nice guy.
Susan S. Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
I can't blame Gwyneth for not wanting to get out of the suit, I wouldn't either!
I loved Iron man. all of them. I love your post. Thanks so much for the great insight.
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