Are some of your New
Year’s resolutions to go back to school? Do you want to get a better job, learn
a new skill, take a class, or picking up a hobby? Well really do it this year,
do it online at Ivy Bridge College. My niece worked at a bank for many years
and she was laid off a few months ago and has not had any luck finding any type
of job. She is young with 2 small children. She cannot afford to stay home and
watch the kids, as much as she would love to that is not an option. When she applies one of the first question she
is always asked is, “Do you have a college degree”? Going back to school is a great option.. But
what about cost? College can be so very expensive the prices are staggering.
Sure you could try to get grants and loans but you will be paying them back for
what seems to be the rest of your life. Did you know that going to school online can
cost 1/3 less than going to a campus to get your education? You can still get
that great education and respectable degree online with easier to take classes
and with less money spent. Where else can you go to class in your pajamas?
I was very fortunate
to be able to have gone to college but I would love to further my education. I currently
have a bachelor’s degree, I would love to work towards my master’s degree this
would only open up more doors for me in my future. And taking classes after
work in the evening when my daughter is asleep would be a great option for me,
and I look forward to trying out Ivy Bridge College online classes. When I was a little kid my mother went to
evening classes, she so wanted to get a associates degree. My brother and I
were a lot to handle and eventually traveling to school each night and taking
care of us really took a toll on my mom and she felt that she had to drop out
of school, it was just too much. If only there was such thing as an online
school back then, that would have been prefect for her no traveling and long
classes, I am sure she would have gotten the degree she really wanted.
IBC is a great
option for moms seeking a college degree because of their focus on helping moms
succeed by offering great support services, flexible scheduling, the ability to
earn an associate’s degree in as little as 17 months, and the ability to
seamlessly transfer credits to “name brand” 4-year schools to earn a
bachelor’s. 50% of their students are
moms, that is such a wonderful thing. One of the my favorites things that Ivy Bridge
College offers is free tutoring! That is a great wonderful thing, when I was in
college and I did not understand an assignment, I was out of luck.. I had to
somehow figure it out or just never understand it. Sure I could ask my classmates
but some were no help, to have had tutoring as an option a free option no the
less, that would have made my time in school much easier.
So if you have ever
wished that you could go to college or go back to college, why not do it
online? If you have time in the morning or the evening when the kids are asleep
that would be a great time to log on and attend. A college degree will give you
so many more options in life, and with that degree you can achieve the dream
you have always had.
The generous folks
at Ivy Bridge College are giving one of Susan’s Disney Family readers a chance
to win a $1000 tuition discount. What a great jump start to your dream of a
college degree. Would you like to win? Please let me know why you would like to
go back to school. There are also other ways to enter, please enter below.
“To be eligible for
the $1,000 discount off tuition at Ivy Bridge College (IBC), the qualifying
individuals will need to be degree seeking, enrolled in IBC a minimum of
part-time, and new to IBC (specifically, not someone who has already applied
to, enrolled in, or requested information from IBC). Classes at Ivy Bridge
College Extension are not eligible for the discount. Limit one per person.”
“I participated in a
campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Ivy Bridge College. I received a
promotional item as a thank-you for participating and a discount on classes at
Ivy Bridge College.”
I've really been thinking about going back to school, getting a degree before I turn 30. I would love to get a degree in sign language interpreting.
I'd go for the General Studies degree.
I'm considering getting an accounting degree and would love to get started at an online school.
i would love to finish getting my degree in criminal justice
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