Halloween is right around the corner, before you know it summer will be
over, school will start, and bam it is Halloween! Would you like a cool little
gift idea for Halloween? Well let me introduce you all to Bratzillaz, a new
line of dolls from the company that brought you the original Bratz dolls.
My daughter had the chance to check out one of the newest Bratz dolls
from the new line of Bratzillaz Meygana Broomstix™,
she comes with character card, hair brush, mask and doll stand. And of course a
spectacular outfit!
She just loves Meygana Broomstix™, this may be because it reminds her
of her favorite new Disney princess, I think that is just a coincidence and the
fact that they both have read hair. What a funny kid.
My daughter is 7 and I think she is old enough to have fun with this
doll. The dolls are grown up, but not “trashy”. The eyes on this doll are just
amazing! The eyes have flecks of glitter in them, and they are just dazzling,
prettiest I have ever seen on a doll. She
now would love to have Wingzy, Meygana Broomstix’s trusty sidekick pet. Perhaps
she can get this as a little Halloween present if she is a good girl.
Here are all of the Bratzillaz, aren’t they great?
Cloetta Spelletta™ has the power to change you
into anything you want. She’ll help you show there’s two sides to you; Magic
Power: Can transform into anything; Witchmark: Moon & Stars; Fave Pet:
Barkthalameow™; Fave Class: History of Platform Shoes; Fashion Passion: Girly
Jade J’Adore™ has the power to help you find
your one true love. She’ll help you heal your broken heart, too!; Magic Power:
Heals broken hearts; Witchmark: Heart Arrow; Fave Pet: Kissifuss™; Fave Class:
Fashion Magic; Fashion Passion: Urban Witchy.
Yasmina Clairvoya™ has the power to see the
future. She’ll help you be ready for anything coming your way!; Magic Power:
Sees into the future; Witchmark: Egyptian Eye; Fave Pet: Winkers™; Fave Class:
Purses & Potions; Fashion Passion: Vintage Romantic.
Sashabella Paws™ has the animal kingdom under
her spell. She’ll help you communicate with creatures everywhere!; Magic Power:
Can communicate with animals; Witchmark: Tribal Cat; Fave Pet: Fluffinscruff™;
Fave Class: Exotic Animal Languages; Fashion Passion: Fierce faux fur.
Meygana Broomstix™
not only has the power to fly, but also to make dreams come true. She’ll help
make your wildest dreams take flight!; Magic Power: Helps you fly; Witchmark:
Wings; Fave Pet: Wingzy™; Fave Class: Broom Gymnastics; Fashion Passion: Sporty
Wow what unique dolls, what doll is your favorite? I just
love the look of Cloetta Spelletta™, her outfit is so funky, and I love the two
different color eyes, wild!
So if you are looking for a great and different gift idea for your
little girl, or a special little girl in your life make sure to check out Bratzillaz.
This would make a great gift near
Halloween, or any time of the year really. This will be a doll they will love,
and you don’t have to worry… does she have this doll?? These are brand new I am
sure they will be new to her and she will love it, my daughter sure does.
There are some great games and fun to be had online on the Bratzillaz
site, make sure to check it out and enter their 3D online world!
The generous folks at MGA entertainment, are giving one of
Susan’s Disney Family readers a chance to win a Bratzillaz doll of their own!
Would you like to win? Please let me know what Bratz, or Bratzillaz doll is
your favorite. There are also other ways to enter. Please enter below.
Buy it:
You can buy the Bratzillaz
at your local toy store, or online at Amazon
Win it:
One winner will win a
Bratzillaz Doll
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I like Cloetta Spelletta
Thank you!
Bratz Bratzillaz Doll - Jade J' Adore
is my favorite
I like Cloetta
I like Cloetta
Jade 'J Adore is my fave!
Cloetta Spelletta is my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
I like Cloetta Spelleta
I like cloetta.
Thanks for the chance.
I like Cloetta Spelletta
I like Cloetta Spelletta
I like Cloetta Spelletta
grabbed ur button mommydaddyandmason.blogspot.com
I like Cloetta
My girls love Cloetta Spelletta and Jade J' Adore
Jade jadore
Jade j'adore
Jade J’Adore!
missheatherwho at yahoo dot com
Cloetta Spelletta is my favorite =]
Cloetta Spelletta is my favorite (Kenia)
Cloetta Spelletta!
cozycreations07 at aol dot com
We like Meygana Broomstix
Your button is on my sidebar
Cloetta Speletta
My daughter loves Cloetta Spelletta! Thanks, Arthur Caudill
my granddaughter likes Cloetta Spelletta
I like Cloetta!!!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
we like Cloetta Spelletta
littleheathen9109 @ Yah00 d0t c0m
jade j'adore.
I like Sashabella.
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com
my niece likes/wants Meygana Broomstix - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Sashabella Paws is my fav
brich22 at earthlink dot net
blogroll button
brich22 at earthlink dot net
I like Meygana Broomstix™!
I like sashabella. Thanks!
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
My favorite is Yasmina Clairvoya
Meygana Broomstix
I like Jade J'Adore.
Cloetta Spelletta
My favorite is Cloetta Spelletta.
My Favorite is Megana Broomstix!
I like jade
My daughter likes Sashabella Paws :)
megayan boomstick
I like Jade J' Adore
I like Meygana Broomstix™
email/ daveshir2005@yahoo.com
fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski
blogged about giveaway
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email/ daveshir2005@yahoo.com
fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski
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Cloetta Spelleta
I like Cloetta best :)
Cloetta SPelleta
Grabbed the button, it's here - http://wrapwithvera.blogspot.com/
I like Meygana Broomstix
meygana broomstick wilcarvic
Sashabella Paws
annabella @ centurytel dot net
Maygana Broomstix.
we like Jade J’Adore
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