Would you like to cut your grocery bill in half, well I know I sure would, make sure to check out this great contest below:
Grand Prize: Six-month SavingAngel membership ($100 value) for you and a friend
About Our Sponsor - SavingsAngel

Do you want to pay less for your cereal than everyone else?
Do you want to know if there is a good deal on that product that is normally out of your budget?
Do you want to cut your budget without increasing the time you spend doing so?
Time is money and we would like to provide you with more of both!
Introducing... The
SavingsAngel Price Watcher.
Easily pick...
Your favorite stores
The products you use
How much you want to save
When a sale-coupon deal meets your savings target you get an email alert.
This powerful tool is not found anywhere else on the Internet! It’s simply the latest in a series of innovations that makes SavingsAngel the most comprehensive grocery-deals service anywhere.
Start today and get your first 4 weeks FREE. We'll alert you whenever we find a great deal that matches exactly what you are looking for. You can redeem all the personalized price watches you want during this time.
You can also find them on
Facebook and
Here's How You Enter:
The Giveaway will open up on Tuesday 6/26 at 12:01 am EST and Close on Friday 6/29 at 11:59 pm EST.
1) Start at the
Rafflecopter Giveaway form.
2) Complete the Mandatory entries.
3) Work your way through the links, entering contests at each blog as you go. These contests each have their own rules and end dates.
4) Complete additional entries towards the bottom and come back for additional daily entries!
That's it! You have successfully entered this awesome giveaway! Side note...It's not mandatory that you enter all the giveaways at each blog. However, doing so not only increases your chances of WINNING the other prizes, it increases your chances of WINNING the Grand Prize!
Mission Giveaway started with the
$100 Story where with $100 several people received the help they needed. We are on a mission to help people! We have gathered a group of bloggers that want to make a difference. Together we are the Mission Giveaway Group!
To inquire about becoming a sponsor, please contact Amee or Dawn at
missiongiveaway@yahoo.com for details. Take a look at our
Media Kit to see what Mission Giveaway has to offer.
Are you a blogger that would like to participate in Mission Giveaway? Find out how you can
join us.
The amazing Blogs participating in the event this week are:
Madame Deals|
Slop Swap|
Saving You Dinero|
The Socialite's Closet|
Organic Mommy Today|
Simply Shawn & Jenn|
Tidbits From A Mom|
Coupons with Q|
Heavenly Savings|
Semmes Savers|
Rainy Day Pennies|
The Centsible Family|
susans disney family|
Shopper's Haul|
One Sleepy Mom|
Making of a Mom|
Mommy's Money Saving Obsession|
Family, Love and Other Stuff|
Coupon Savings In The South|
Giveaway Bandit|
A Thrifty Diva Surviving Mommy Hood|
The Mommy Island|
Moms Living Thriftly|
Mama Does It All|
Moms Vacation Spots|
Check out how entrants would pay it forward this week and enter
your own comment:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
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