Are you looking for fathers day cards. Are you tired of going to card shops, and squeezing into the crowd in order to try to find a card. Then if you actually find a card you would like to buy, you have to get in the long line... ugh.. There has to be a better way! Treat, is the way to go, Treat is Tiny Prints new partner site, that is a site filled with great card options. Cards you can make personal too. And personalized card are always loved. And your first Treat card is free! Use code FREETREAT at checkout.
It is almost June, and that means Father's Day is right around the corner. It will be here before you know it, are you in need of some great cards? For Father's Day Cards , I love to send sappy old fashioned cards. I just love sentimental cards. On the other hand my husband loves to send silly crazy cards to his dad. And at Treat there are cards for both of our dads.
With Treat you will never forget a birthday again, you can import birthdays from
Facebook and set up reminders. You can also schedule
cards for delivery—up to year in advance! Wow, now as a working mom, this is great. When I have some free time I can get everyone's cards all at one and schedule them all. Now that is a wonderful thing!
There are so many great cards on the site, including some great Father's Day Cards
My dad and I are very close, and we still love to hang out together, we would go fishing when I was young it was a very fun time. And I would love for us all to go fishing again, but this time we could bring my daughter along she would love to spend some time with grand pop.
Treat has cards for Father Day, Birthdays, Congrats, Holidays and more, they are your place for personalized cards that that special someone will love! You can add a gift card to top retailers (such as Amazon, iTunes, Target & more) in any greeting card.
The generous folks at Treat are offering one of Susan's Disney Family readers a chance to win 10 treat tokens, these are good for 10 greeting cards. Wow! Would you love to win? Well visit the treat site, take a look around then come back here and let me know what card is your favorite. There are other ways to enter as well. Please enter below.
Buy it:
To purchase any of the great cards above and many more please visit
To purchase any of the great cards above and many more please visit
Your first Treat card is free! Use code
FREETREAT at checkout
Win it:
One winner will win 10 free tokens (good for 10 free greeting cards!)
Make sure to follow Treat for some more information, her are the various ways to follow:
· Facebook:
· Twitter:!/treatcards
· Pinterest:
· Google+:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Great Starts
I like the Chic Verdure: Volcano thank you card
Katie R.
dancehottie1621 at aol dot com
i like the relax and rest fathers day card
I like the friendly froggy father's day card =) (Miz Vickik)
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