Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday Gift Guide: SilkFudge - Review (And a giveaway)

Are you looking for the most delicious silky fudge you have ever had? Would silky delicious fudge make a wonderful holiday gift? Yes it would, and I have found a place that makes wonderfully silky fudge!  SilkFudge (hey the name says it all!) Here is a little more information about the company from the website:
One of the most common questions I am asked is “how do you make this fudge so silky?” My answer is this, I make it with the best chocolate I can find. SilkFudge ingredients are simple, great quality chocolate, cream, butter and sugar. I make it in small four pound batches and taste each batch to make sure there isn’t any sugar grain.
The fudge recipe came from my mother, who was a great candy maker. I have wonderful memories of her plates of Christmas candy that she gave out to friends and neighbors. I kept that same tradition when I had my own children and found that there was a lot of interest in my fudge, people asked for more.

My husband named our company SilkFudge to make a statement about the texture of our fudge. You will find the name to be accurate.

My Review: 

Sometimes when people come up with a name for their product it can sometimes be misleading. Not so with Silk Fudge  this has to be the creamiest fudge I’ve ever had. I’m used to the fudge on the Jersey boardwalks, that fudge is stiff and I thought that was the way all fudge is. I was wrong!

We received a nice box of fudge with 4 different flavors: mint, dark chocolate peanut butter, penuche and chubby bunny. It’s funny I’m actually eating a piece of fudge while I type this, I’m really loving the mint fudge it’s wonderful. I’m not a big mint person because it’s a little too harsh of a flavor for me, but what Silk Fudge did was use Andes mints which is the only mint I’ll eat and they put them on their silky smooth fudge. It’s really good and so soft and silky I can’t believe I’ve been missing out. I’ve moved from mint to penuche, it had a fun name and an incredible taste. 

It’s brown sugar, pecans, caramel flavor and a few more goodies. Wow that’s some seriously good fudge, and the chubby bunny……oh my GOD! It was flavor on top of flavor on top of flavor. Marshmallows,   white chocolate chips, milk chocolate chunks and cashews on top of a wonderful fudge, it’s like a small piece of heaven. And the dark chocolate peanut butter. I could go on for days but we all know how good chocolate and peanut butter complement each other and the fudge is no different, it’s a perfect blending of both flavors. Top notch fudge that any fudge lover will like and will make any non-fudge lover reconsider their stance.

So with the holidays right around the corner, why not pick up some of the best fudge you will ever have? SilkFudge would make a great gift for a teacher, a friend or anyone who loves fudge. Why not pick some up to go to a holiday party, you will surely be the best snack to the party!

The great folks at SlikFudge have offered one of my readers a chance to win a 4 pack of fudge of your choice! To enter please visit and take a look around, then come back here and let me know what flavor is your favorite! There are also other ways to win, please enter below.  

Buy it:

Please visit to purchase.
Win it:

One winner will win a 4 pack of fudge (of their choice) $38 value ($24 for the fudge, $4 for the box, and $10 for shipping)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received fudge to review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Amber said...

Orange Chocolate Fudge is my favorite flavor!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Peanut Butter Fudge is my favorite flavor

PAIGE said...

White chocolate rules.

caroline said...

toffe chip fudge!

gatsby1981 at gmail dot com

Kia89 said...

Milk Chocolate Fudge.

Haley said...

Toffee Chip Fudge OHMYGOSH!

Anonymous said...

Raspberry Cream Fudge

sounds awesome!!

russrpm said...

My favorite would be the Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge.

Stephanie said...

toffee chip fudge and white chocolate fudge
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Anonymous said...


I LIKE THE White Chocolate Fudge w/Mixed Nuts

kyl neusch said...

Milk Chocolate Fudge.

kyl neusch

Unknown said...

I really like the Almond Joy Fudge!

sksweeps said...

I'd love the Toffee Chip Fudge!

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

Jade Rahl said...

Raspberry Cream <3

Anonymous said...

The Almond Joy Fudge looks incredible!

katfam95 at aim dot com

Shannon Egan said...

MY favorite flavor is definitely White Chocolate Raspberry swirl. :)

julis55 said...

Almond Joy Fudge

Kylie Carlson said...

The Almond Joy Fudge looks delicious! kcarlson1152[at]

Anonymous said...

Peanut Butter Fudge with Milk Chocolate!


Caryn said...

Toffee Chip

caryn9802 at yahoo dot com

Gina said...

Almond Joy Fudge would be my favorite.
yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com

Debra said...

oh peanutbutter yummy

Kellie's Camera said...

mmmm peanut butter fudge!

Lisa Weidknecht said...

Toffee Chip Fudge

susan1215 said...

The Almond Joy Fudge

s2s2 at comcast dot net

Hoa said...

My favorite is the Almond Joy Fudge.


DLSLoveBlogs said...

I would love to try the Almond Joy Fudge

dlsloveblogs at gmail dot com

Little Assembly Required said...

i love white chocolate!! (brittany k)

Barbara said...

peanut butter

Jessi Likey said...

My favorite is the peanut butter fudge.

channallocks said...

peanut butter

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

Peanut Butter Fudge yummy yummy
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Denise M said...

i would love the toffee chip fudge

Hotsnotty2 said...

Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge

EmmaPeel said...

Chubby bunny!

lini said...

chubby bunny fudge

Unknown said...

Dark chocolate peanut butter ... :3


Mary Gardner said...

white chocolate and milk chocolate

marygardner49 at aol dot com

Catie said...

The Chubby Bunny sounds amazing!

Anonymous said...

Peanut Butter Fudge is the best!

Anonymous said...

Dark Chocoalte Peanut Butter is my fudge of choice!

barb hunt said...

Thanks for the great contest!

Melanie said...

I wanna white chocolate raspberry swirl.

Unknown said...

Toffee Chip Fudge is my favorite.

Unknown said... both buttons are on my blog and your on my blog roll.

Breanne said...

Toffee Chip Fudge

cassandra marquez said...

I would love to try the chubby bunny fudge!
Also I follow under Cassandra not my facebook name!

Lisa P. said...

Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge
melissapainter at gmail dot com

wallindeb said...

Toffee Chip Fudge

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Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions, . No compensation was received. All opinions are my own. This is a unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or Disney theme parks.