Sunday, November 27, 2011

Holiday Gift Guide: Smart Step Flooring Mat – Review (And a Giveaway)

I love to cook, but I seem to overdo it with the cooking during the holidays. Standing by the stove for what feels like hours. It can be a pain. But not anymore. I would like to introduce you all to Smart Step Flooring Anti-Fatigue floor mats.

Here is a little information about Smart Step Flooring Mats (from  the website)

Smart Step® has been producing the “The Absolute Best” in anti-fatigue flooring for commercial markets including medical, hospitality, airline transportation and many others. No one can match our quality, SmartTech™ Polyurethane technology, proven relationships, endorsements and we stand behind it for 7 years.  

In recent years consumers have identified the many back, leg and foot ailments that have plagued us in our homes. The attractive hardwood, ceramic and and tiled floors have become the culprits of these discomforts. While several products have entered the market, none have the proven success of the Smart Step Home Collection Mats.

The one-piece construction of a Home Collection Mat has a patented polyurethane, soft inner design structure. Our innovative SmartTech™ Polyurethane (STP) one-piece technology provides comfortable and consistent support.

 My Review:

We spend a lot of time in our kitchen doing various things from cooking to baking and *shudder* doing the dishes! When doing the dishes my husband does this odd little rocking back and forth dance to keep his feet from getting sore, he spends the better part of his day on his feet at work so when he does the dishes it just makes his day a little more miserable.
Even though we have a tiny kitchen. it still works for us :)

We’ll he’ll still be miserable but his feet won’t be any longer! We received a mat from Smart Step Flooring ( that is a pillow for your feet. I’m not kidding this mat is amazing! It’s the softest thing I’ve ever stood on, we have wood floors and it’s not the most comfortable thing to stand on for a long period of time this mat changes all of that. It cushions your feet in such a way that all the pressure that you normally have on your feet, knees and back whiles standing doing anything in the kitchen is relieved.
My only issue with the mat is that when my husband was taking it out of the box and un-wrapping it he got to the end of the wrap and the mat sprung free of its shackles and promptly slapped me in the face! But that is not the mats fault at all :)

This mat is durable as well as functional and it cleans easy unlike many mats you might normally use in your kitchen once they get a stain it’s there forever because traditional mats are a pain to clean, my mat from Smart Step cleans up as easy as my floors do and can be cleaned with all the same products I clean my floors with! This mat has made my life and my husband’s life a little easier and we’re thankful for that!

With the holidays right around  the corner, do you know a cook that would just love a mat like this?  Just think of how grateful they will be to have less pressure on their feet, and they will love to be in the kitchen with this mat! 
The great folks at Smart Step Flooring are offering one of my readers a chance to win a 3’ Smart Step Flooring mat. To enter just visit talk a look around the site. Then come back here and let me know who do you know that would love this mat? There are also other ways to win. Please enter below.

Buy it:

To purchase this wonderful mat please call Smart Step Home at 1-800-981-4979

Win it:

One winner will win a 3’ mat of their own.

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


debijackson said...

i would love this mat for myself

cjabdelnour said...

I would like to have this mat. Cheryl

Janet said...

I would love this mat and so would my oldest daughter.

Happy Holidays,

janetfaye said...

I would love to have this mat.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

h. mcnaron said...

I would give this to my mom who has poor knees, I know she would love the brown fleur-e-lys mat!
hmcnaron at gmail dotcom

Kimberly said...

I would love this mat

Sherrie Cruson said...

Love the non-slip feature on this mat. Oh, and I would love to get this mat for my Mom.

Heather said...

My mother in law would love this, it would help greatly while in the kitchen.

Teh Doll said...

i would love this mat for my kitchen


SaraLee said...

My mom just got one of these and I love it. I would love to win this for my self.

Unknown said...

I would love this mat for myself. I'm always in the kitchen so this would be a great way to help me not get sore

mama2kaylabug at aol dot com

jmajor4870 said...

i would love this for myself. i am getting old lots of pains

Anonymous said...

I would like this mat in my kitchen.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

sksweeps said...

I'd LOVE this mat! Especially in the summer when I'm canning and preserving all the garden produce and can spend hours on my feet on my very hard kitchen floor!

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

rewcath said...

I would be the lucky one who gets to use this mat, although if my husband wants to try it he can nupa123atgmaildotcom

sweetsue said...

I would give this to my mom. She has arthritis and it hurts her to stand.

clynsg said...

It would stay right here, maybe it would help my backaches!

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

Gladys M said...

I'd love to win this for myself! I been wanting one of these for the longest.

mysteri_015 at yahoo dot com

Brynn @ said...

I would love it for our kitchen!!!

Jade Rahl said...

I would love this mat. Stay at home mom so lots of kitchen time <3

Jody Sisson said...

My Son and Daughter In Law would love this mat.
jodysis at windstream dot net

Anonymous said...

I'd love it, because i spend too much time in the kitchen
galyettina at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

This mat would be for me and I'd love one just like the one you got.


Michelle Hagewood said...

I would love this mat to put in front of the kitchen sink. I like the Brown and Maroon ones but the tan would go better with my kitchen.

*I also added your button to my blog but forgot to add the link:

boylaneely at hotmail dot com

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I would love to have this mat for my kitchen.


daveshir2005 said...

My mom would love this mat for her kitchen.

Unknown said...

Hubs would like it- he does the dishes. ;)
Sherry Conrad
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

elangomatt said...

REally, who WOULDN'T like to have this mat? My mom would like this, but she'd need 2 or 3 of them since she has so much counter space. Me on the other hand, have very little counter space so this would be perfect for my kitchen.

blue65829 said...

I would love this mat!

Unknown said...

I like the burgundy. I would love this mat. We currently don't have anything in-front of our sink and this would be great for me while I do dishes and etc.

Ashley Brauer said...

I would love it. I spend too much time standing at the sink washing dishes by hand...darn broken dishwasher!

relientkgirl88 at aol dot com

cassandra marquez said...

I would give it to my grandmother, she always has mats in her kitchen so it would be a great gift.

barb hunt said...

Thanks for the great contest!

Anonymous said...

My daughter would love to have this mat in her kitchen. (She spends a lot of time there.) mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net

Bakersdozen said...

I would love this because I cook for a large family and spend lots of time in the kitchen. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

wallindeb said...

i would love this mat for myself
wallindeb at yahoo dot com

cman said...

I'd love it, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

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Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions, . No compensation was received. All opinions are my own. This is a unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or Disney theme parks.