Changing the World One Heart at a Time! That is the goal of the new Hearts For Hearts Girls doll line and fashion collection from Playmates Toys. The collection features six dolls from around the world, each with an inspiring story to share. The authentically dressed and lifelike dolls each represent a girl who is working to change her community in ways that are unique to her home country. Included with each doll are a friendship bracelet and a story booklet that explains how these multicultural girls live and contribute to their families, communities, and culture. Each doll also comes with a special code that unlocks a free membership to the kid-safe Hearts for Hearts Girls Website, which features:
- Additional information about each of the Hearts For Hearts Girls and the countries in which they live
- Educational activities and lively games that are fun and rich in culture
- Intriguing stories about real girls who are making a difference
- While all girls are welcome to visit the site, the code unlocks access to additional features, including a larger array of games and a “myHeart” page
To further bring to light each Hearts For Hearts Girls’ culture, additional outfits are available for the dolls, so that your little girl can envision her doll’s story as she plays and changes the doll’s attire.
Additionally, through a partnership with World Vision3, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of each Hearts For Hearts Girls doll is donated to programs that support girls in that doll’s country. Whether it’s malaria nets in Africa, schoolbooks in Asia, or food supplies in the United States, these programs help girls to thrive and succeed.
Meet the six Hearts For Hearts Girls:
- Meet Consuelo from Mexico City. Colorful and warm, Consuelo provides aid to hungry children who are homeless and live on the streets near her parents’ bakery.
- Meet Lilian of Belarus. Determined Lilian provides aid to girls whose parents must find work in the big city and are forced to leave their children with orphanages.
- Meet Dell from the heart of Kentucky’s Appalachian Mountains. Dell creates music and knitwear to share with others in need of warm clothing.
- Meet Rahel of Ethiopia. Rahel, who dreams of becoming a doctor so that she can make a real difference for people in her region, journeys with her family into the wilderness of Ethiopia to help bring back aid to her community.
- Meet Tipi from Laos. Based on a real girl who shares her art and storytelling with others through dancing, drawing, and puppetry, Tipi leads her school in a mural contest in hopes of winning much-needed books for her class.
- Meet Nahji who hails from Assam, India. Brave Nahji breaks tradition to bring courage and education to the girls who work in the tea fields of India.

Changing the World One Heart at a Time! What a great saying. I love that with the purchase of this doll for my daughter I can help others daughters all around the world. As a parent I try to instill a passion for philanthropy in my daughter, I feel this is an important and Hearts 4 Hearts Girls dolls are designed to show young girls how rewarding it is to give to others. This doll encourages my daughter to use her imagination, and have fun. Each of the Hearts 4 Hearts Girls include a special Hearts 4 Hearts Girls friendship bracelet just for your child.
We were sent Dell, the little girl from the USA, Dell is from Kentucky’s Appalachian Mountains. She creates music and knitwear to share with others in need of warm clothing. The doll is very nicely made, Dell is just beautiful 14" doll. From the jewelry she wears to the outfits they are quality. My daughter takes care of this little cutie, it is one of her favorite dolls now. We also got an extra outfit for the doll, we received About School Time for Rahel/Deluxe Play Set, this is the cute little set for Rahel the girl from Ethiopia, but any doll can fit in the outfit, I love the little pencils and books that came with the set.
My daughter loved playing school with her little friend Dell. Heart 4 Hearts also have free online games to play. We had fun playing Dell's game online the Up the Hill game was fun, my daughter had fun trying to help Dell grab the flowers.
By making a purchase of a Hearts 4 Hearts Girls doll, a portion of your purchase will go towards World Vision, a humanitarian organization that helps children in nearly 100 countries worldwide.
Buy it:
You can purchase Hearts for Hearts Girls Dolls in stores or you can buy them online here.
Win it:
One winner will win a doll and and outfit set:
- One Hearts For Hearts Girl, accompanied by a friendship bracelet, story booklet, donation for girls in need through partner World Vision and a special product code your daughter can use to unlock a free membership to the Hearts For Hearts Girls website, which provides access to the “myHeart” page and an array of games and activities.
- An outfit that is authentic to one of the Hearts for Hearts Girls’ culture, in which your daughter can also dress her doll
Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received a doll and an outfit from myblogspark to review. Myblogspark is also providing the giveaway. The Hearts For Hearts Girls doll, and information have been provided by Playmates Toys through MyBlogSpark. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
I think my daughter would like Dell...she loves to make music.
Oh how my daughter would love these nice to have a doll with a positive message..thank you for offering this giveaway..
We would love the Dell Doll! She is so beautiful as are all the others! :)
We would love to meet Nahji from INdia
kport207 at gmail dot com
We would like Nahji :)
aecopley at gmail dot com
we love dell
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
I would like any of them for my daughter. An important thing in our house is learning about other cultures and to have a doll with a message is an awesome concept! Thanks for this great giveaway
We like Consuelo
My daughter would like dell
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
My daughters would love Lilian!
My daughter would love Dell
My daughter would love Dell
Mary Dailey
I think my daughter would like to Meet Tipi from Laos.
My daughter would love to meet Dell.
I think Nahji would be fun for my daughter. We were supposed to move to India a couple of years ago and learned all about the country. This would be fun for her. Jill L
I think she's like to learn more about Dell.
missdeb1 at earthlink dot net
I think we would most like Rahel from Ethiopia because it is a country that is familiar but we don't know much about! I also love Rahel's ambitions! Thanks!
I'd choose Tipi.
I think she'd like Lilian of Belarus.
braaisjo at gmail dot com
My daughter is only 4,but she is always asking questions about other countries and people. I think she would like Nahji.
Najhi is the one I would pick for my daughter
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
My daughter likes all of them but I'll say Rahel
I follow your blog on GFC, subscribe to your email and like you on Facebook! I would love to win this for my daughter! I think she would like Lilian from Beluras! Thanks so much for the terrific giveaway!
Renee Walters
My daughter would love Rahel from Ethiopia!!
My daughter would love Dell!
Id love to have any of the dolls for my grand daughter
trustjesus7771 at yahoo dot com
My daughter would enjoy them all but I think Lilian would be her favorite as her name is Lily too
I think Tipi would be her fave. trinitygsd at yahoo dto com
My daughter would love the Consuelo doll
ericka082 at gmail dot com
My daughter would like to meet and learn more about Consuelo
My daughter would love Lilian from Belarus!
talijolgus at aol dot com
I think my daughter would love to meet and learn more about Dell.
textbookmommy at gmail dot com
I think she would like Dell. She's only in 2nd grade so there's lots that she can still learn about America. Thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
my niece would love to learn more about tipi
my daughter is kind and caring. i think that she would love to meet Lilian. thanks clallen at ntin dot net (crystal allen)
chai time with nahji or consuelo from mexico
trixie420247 at yahoo dot com
My daughter would love to meet Tipi! Storytelling and dancing are her favorites!
cinderwhims at gmail dot com
She would be most interested in Consuelo.
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