Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ayala's Herbal Water Review (And a Giveaway)

About Ayala's Herbal Water (from the website)

The Herbal Water story begins in the spring of 2005, in the garden of Dr. Ayala.  A passionate cook, trained pediatrician, talented artist and lifelong vegetarian, Dr. Ayala has spent years exploring healthy, tasty ways to feed children and adults.
Seeking an alternative to sugar-laden and artificially flavored beverages, Dr. Ayala created her own blends of herb-infused waters that magically satisfy thirst and restore the spirit.  Among her family and friends, Dr. Ayala's herbal waters became famous for their uniquely refreshing tastes and aromas.
Full of flavor yet free of calories, artificial sweeteners, and artificial chemicals, these naturally fragrant beverages evoke happy feelings, like a breeze in a sunny garden.

The growing demand for these tasty herbal waters led Dr. Ayala to bring Ayala's Herbal Water to everyone.
Ayala's Herbal Water is the first nationally available organically certified enhanced flavored water made with all organic ingredients.  Each Herbal Water blend is all-natural and sets a new standard for healthy beverages:  zero calories, zero artificial sweeteners, flavors, and colors, and zero chemical preservatives.  And our water comes from an Artesian Well in Virginia.
Nothing but great taste from pure water, infused with the finest natural herbs from around the world and kept fresh in a beautiful bottle for your enjoyment.

Ayala's Herbal Water is available in:

  • Lemongrass Mint Vanilla-Lavender, mint and vanilla bean

  • Lavender Mint-Lavender, mint, lemongrass and thyme

  • Lemon Verbena Geranium-Lemon verbena, rose geranium

  • Cloves Cardamom Cinnamon-Cloves, cardamom and cinnamon

  • Cinnamon Orange Peel-Cinnamon and orange peel

  • Ginger Lemon Peel-Ginger root, lemon peel

My review:
We made a decision to try and focus on being more healthy this year and for the most part things have been going good. But I struggle at one thing, drinking 8 glasses of water a day! My husband is part camel and can consume water at an ungodly pace and my daughter inherited his camel like genes. That's leaves me to struggle alone in my quest to drink 8 glasses a day. I've tried every mix known to man, but they have sugar and calories and the one's that don't have fake sweeteners in them that may not be so good for us. What am I to do?

I had the opportunity to try a variety of flavored waters from Ayala's Herbal Water ( It looks like I found my solution! It's all natural, it's water and organic extracts from a variety of spices. That's it. It doesn't get any simpler than this, no hidden calories or sweeteners just good flavored water. I'm in love with the cinnamon orange, I drank it before the cinnamon fiend got his meat hooks on it! As I type this I'm sipping on a lavender mint water and it is very refreshing. The best part is I don't have to worry about what's going into my body, they're sold in a sampler case of 12 (2 bottles of each flavor) or you can get a pack of 12 in a single flavor for just $24.00 a case and the shipping is free. If you're like me and struggle to drink enough water give Ayala's herbal water a shot, your body will thank you!

Buy it:

Check where to find the water in your local store here.
Or buy it online here.

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I was sent water to review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


mar said...

Ginger Lemon Peel is the flavor I would like to try!

BowieTip said...

Lemon Grass Mint Vanilla.

calvad said...

I would love to try the Sparkling Lemongrass Mint Vanilla! calvad at aol dot com

Thao said...

I would love to try the Lemon Verbena Geranium. It just sounds so interesting

lovetolire at gmail dot com

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lovetolire at gmail dot com

Thao said...

gfc follower-Thao Phuong

lovetolire at gmail dot com

slb3334 said...

Lavender mint.

eclairre said...

I'd love to try the Ginger Lemon peel flavor. It sounds great.

eclairre said...

(1 entry) Follow me via GFC

Roomsofmyheart said...

I liked Ayala's on FB

Roomsofmyheart said...

This sounds really yummy! I have to try the lemongrass mint- vanilla!

Roomsofmyheart said...

Voted for you today Susan!

Roomsofmyheart said...

Am a follower on GFC.

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Ash said...

I would love to try Ginger Lemon Peel!


crystletellerday said...

ginger lemon peel

humanecats said...

Lavender mint will be the first I try.

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I follow on GFC as Ericka T.

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I like you on Facebook as Ricky Todd.

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I like Ayalas on Facebook as Ricky Todd.

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I follow Ayalas on twitter as humanecats

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

tweeted giveaway as humanecats

humanecats at gmail dot com!/humanecats/status/58691400539181057

sweepmom said...

I would like to try the Lemon Verbena Geranium.

lewalk said...

I would love to try the lemongrass mint vanilla.


lewalk said...

Like Ayala's on FB.

Leah W.


lewalk said...

And follow them on Twitter.



lewalk said...

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lewalk said...

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lewalk said...

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Leah W.


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lewalk said...



Roomsofmyheart said...

Hi Susan, I am now "Native Daughter", not "1atplay", changed my blog name to fit my style better. I was at Mother's Market recently, and saw a tall women carrying that box of six flavors of Dr. Ayala's awesome water, thinking it was Dr. Ayala. I was able to find the lemongrass vanilla mint. I love it! See what happens when products get tested by someone who makes them look so good. Thank you so much, you helped make my life easier to drink water, and I use it as a sort of wine at dinner time, instead of.

Roomsofmyheart said...


Roomsofmyheart said...

Voted for you today.

lewalk said...

Voted for you today.


lewalk said...



Roomsofmyheart said...

Tweeted today!

Jolene said...

lemongrass mint vanilla

Bonnie said...

I'd like to try cinnamon orange peel.

unclebonald at gmail dot com

Bonnie said...

GFC follower Bonnie in Harlem.

unclebonald at gmail dot com

Bonnie said...

I follow you on Twitter.


unclebonald at gmail dot com

Bonnie said...

I follow Ayala's on Twitter.


unclebonald at gmail dot com

Bonnie said...

I follow Ayala's on Facebook.

Pt Sweeper

unclebonald at gmail dot com

jandsfox_143 said...

I would like to try the Ginger Lemon Peel.

EmmaPeel said...

cinnamon orange

EmmaPeel said...

gfc follower

susansmoaks said...

i would love to try the lavender mint
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

saturdaynightfever said...

Lavender Mint would be my flavor of choice!

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Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions, . No compensation was received. All opinions are my own. This is a unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or Disney theme parks.