On Saturday the 26th we had the opportunity to visit Lore's Chocolates at 34th S. 7th St., Philadelphia PA 19106 (www.loreschocolates.com,) for a sample of what their Chocolate Birthday Party is all about. We arrived a few minutes early and walked around their shop and were entranced with the smell of chocolate permeating through the air, what a wonderful smelling shop! They sold just about everything you could need for Easter, from eggs to bunnies to a chocolate football that looked life size they had it all.
We walked into the lower level and saw all the equipment to make chocolate magical, it was really neat to get up close to see how those candy creations come to life. On the conveyor belt hung little aprons for the kids to wear to keep from getting messy (it helped for the most part but my daughter still managed to get a little messy:-)!) She was now on her way to being a junior chocolatetier, she learned where the chocolate comes from and how it's processed and how the difference between dark and milk chocolate. After her little chocolate lesson she was off to make some chocolate! We went over to the conveyor belt/cooler and she was able to make chocolate covered pretzels, animal crackers and marshmallows. It was the cutest thing seeing her lining up all the goodies and watching them get coated in milk chocolate, she made sure to keep everything lined up nice and orderly. It's cool to see the conveyor belt in action, at one end it coats whatever you put on it like a pretzel, from the coating process it makes it's way down to the cooling process where it comes out as a ready to eat chocolate covered pretzel! In a matter of a couple of minutes she had a box filled with chocolate covered goodies!
From there she went over and learned how to make a non peril by hand! We thought it was going to be a nightmare, but we were pleasantly surprised to see our daughter is a bit of a natural when it comes to making these delicious little candies! She went on to see how chocolate lollipops were made and was able to make 3 chocolate flower lollipops out of milk and dark chocolate. She was told the secret on how to get the chocolate to turn into the lollipop but won't tell it to us because it's a chocolatetier's secret! Now I'll never know:-)! All the chocolate she made she was able to keep and we've been enjoying it ever since!
This party was held to show us what their birthday parties are like and I have to say I was totally impressed. This is a family run company, who have been doing this for 35 years and you deal directly with the owners who were fantastic at dealing with kids of all ages. We're always trying to come up with something different to do for our daughter's birthday, big party centers are nice but they can be a bit chaotic, Build a Bear is the same plus you have to deal with regular mall traffic. The Lore's Chocolate Birthday Party is a wonderful idea! The cost of a party is $250.00 and it's for children 6-12, the length of the party is 1 1/2 hours and are held on Saturdays 11:00-12:30, 1:00-2:30, 3:00-4:30 and weekday afternoons during the summer. They allow up to 10 children per party and invitations and paper goods are provided. You have to provide your own cake and drinks, it's suggested to keep things simple to allow the kids to focus on the chocolate making process which makes sense, the kids will be so busy making chocolate that they won't have a chance to be bored, there is constant entertainment and activities going on. If you're looking for something different, something special and not the norm the Lore's Chocolate Birthday Party is the way to go!
Check out Lores at http://www.loreschocolates.com/
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Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I was invited to a chocolate party for the review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
this looks so fun!
What an incredible experience. I am following you back. We are also a Disney loving Family! We live in Central CA and go to Disneyland at least every other month, and each time for 2 or 3 days. I look forward to browsing your blog.
Krysti @ Blissful Meandering
And a good time was had by all!
I am so excited that you are so close! I will add you to my Philly Friends...
Some people have already written a bunch of post for A-Z so the can kind of cheat...I have not hat 2 seconds to write extra on my blog because I am in conceptual editing for my book.
You should give it a try:)
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