Are you a gamer? Do you love
to play and have no time to eat while playing, or are you tired of crumbs all
in your gaming area? Well I have a great suggestion for you all, Gamer Grub
here is more information about Gamer Grub and the founder Keith from the
We believe that technology experiences can be
enhanced by delicious snacking. -- Keith, Gamer Grub® Founder
His mission, I programmed my first project in DOS in a high
school computer science lab. Back then, hard drives on the mainframe were
stacked on a removable carriage that was the size of a dinner plate. To use the
Information Super-Highway (internet) we had a large button phone, hand-dialed a
number, then placed the handset in a microphone cradle for connection.
My first PC FPS was Wolfenstein 3D booted from DOS. Having gone through various gaming phases in my life, currently I would define myself as a “Casual Gamer”. FPS games on a LAN are my favorite, hands down. Throughout my gaming and computer experience, I have been battling greasy fingers and keyboard crumbs.
My first PC FPS was Wolfenstein 3D booted from DOS. Having gone through various gaming phases in my life, currently I would define myself as a “Casual Gamer”. FPS games on a LAN are my favorite, hands down. Throughout my gaming and computer experience, I have been battling greasy fingers and keyboard crumbs.
15 browser tabs, 11 apps, voice chat and two
games running. We couldn’t find a snack that could keep up… so, we made our
own. Gamer Grub® is a delicious performance snack packed with essential
vitamins and neurotransmitters to keep you focused and quick. Just ‘Tear N
Tilt’ into a pack of Gamer Grub® to multi-task and game… no greasy fingers.
My family and I were very fortunate to be able to rest out each of the flavors from Gamer grub
- Pizza
- PB&J
- S’mores
Well I have to tell you my
husband is a been gamer, he has loved all kinds of video games from the beginning
with intellivision to today’s best systems, he has always loved to play games.
It seems like my daughter is taking after her daddy she just loves games from
her Wii to the DS to the computer her favorite thing is to play video games
just like her daddy. And with this, we have had many sticky and crummy keyboards,
there is nothing worse that waking up and going to check your email and not
looking and starting to type and a crummy and sticky key board is underneath
your hands, ugh! Well this will no longer be a problem in our household not
that I have discovered Gamer Grub, it is the ultimate way to game and get a
great snack.
Are you ever playing a game
online and your stomach starts to grumble and you want something that will fuel
you and will taste great? Well Gamer Grub is what you have been searching for.
With gamer grub there is no need to touch the food, so your keyboard will not
get messy that is a great thing. And the flavors are tastes anyone would love.
My favorite was the BBQ, I am a huge fan of corn nuts and sweet and spicy and
this BBQ flavor had a great combination of flavors.
My husband loved the pizza
and the smores saying the pizza tasted like the real thing and the marshmallow
and chocolate flavors in the smores tasted great together. My little gamers
favorite was the PB&J she loved the
peanuts and the jelly and she loved the cool way to eat the snack, all you have
to do is tilt the bag into your mouth and eat just be careful not to pour too
much into your mouth when you tilt the bag.
So if you are looking for the
ultimate gamer snack I would highly recommend Gamer Grub, it is so easy to eat,
there is no mess and they taste great. You can find Gamer Grub in over 3,000
stores like Best Buy, Toy-R-Us and many more that can be found at their store
locator. Make sure to visit Gamer Grub
The generous folks at Gamer Grub are giving one
of Susan’s Disney Family readers a chance to win a prize pack of Gamer Grub. Would
you like to win? Please visit the Gamer Grub website, take a look around then
come back here and tell me something you learned from the site. There are also
other ways to enter, please enter below.
Buy it:
You can purchase Gamer Grub
at Best Buy, Toy-R-Us and many more
Win it:
One winner will win a prize
pack of Gamer Grub
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I learned just from the flavors alone to start with, everyone in my famly would love all the flavors I bet, althoug the one I'd be most eager to try is Smores. I've watched my passionately avid gamer guys playing hours on end day and night and seen the messes they made tryiing to eat while playing so this gamer grub idea is great! For them and for me!
i learned it can be found at toys r us though i've never seen it in stores
no keyboard crumbs, no greasy fingers
I learned I can get this at Best Buy.
What a selection of flavors, I would like to try s'mores.
I learned that they have t-shirts and iPhone cases.
Thanks for the chance!
raceracegirl at yahoo dot com
I definitely need these...
i learned vitamin e protects cell membranes!
I learned they are available at Best Buy locally.
I learned that it is at Best Buy!
selinda_mccumbers at
I would like to get my kids the Smores variety.
april yedinak
I learned they have a balance of vitamins and great nutritional stats
its sold at bestbuy
It's sold at Best Buy, my hubby lives there lol. I'm sure he'd love this, he's a huge gamer.
it ss sold at bestbuy
I learned that it actually contains lots of vitamins.
I learned they have an online store and you can purchase their products online.
I learned that they are sold at best buy! Cool!
I learned about the product, I had never heard of it.
I learned that I can buy this at my local Best Buy store :)
Gamer Grub is a great tasting snack mix packed with select vitamins and neurotransmitters to keep you focused and quick.
never heard of it before, sounds good!
I learned that it is packed with vitamins and neurotransmitters to keep you focused and quick
I learned that you can buy them at Best Buy
I learned they are available at my local Best Buy.
can get them at toys r us
It can be found at stores like Best Buy and Toys R Us-- I'll have to keep my eyes peeled!
lesliexhope at
Magnesium ions are essential to basic nucleic acid chemistry and thus are essential to all cells of living organisms. Magnesium is found predominantly inside cells of body tissues and organs. Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body.
Their snack packaging is called Tear 'N Tilt!
this site looks good and products can be found at best buy
They have monthly drawings if you join their grub squad.
I learned where you can get them, at Toys R Us and also at Best buy. My son would love this, he is a huge gamer.
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